
the huntington

Me and the girls had an absolutely epic Labor Day weekend.  Each day turned out super fun somehow, even when I didn't try to plan it that way, and even when it seemed like things might not quite turn out, they just kept working out.  It was kind of magic.  I'll post about an adventure on each day separately, but try to get them all up in pretty short order.  First up: the Huntington Library, a gorgeous library/botanical garden/museum in LA.
  The fountains were awesome 1) because it was super hot and 2) because the kids came up with and endless, endless stream of ways to play with the fountains that was fascinating to watch (and, well, participate in too).  Above, notice the dad in the back corner showing his kid how to swirl her finger to make interesting shapes with the water
                What does the washer do?
Then this little wire basket (another piece from one of the fountains?) was filled with flowers and added to the mix...

I was envious of both this kid's creativity and coolness in the face of the heat.  This is but a few of the ways they were playing with the fountains!!!

Another awesome part of the children's garden is this instrument thing made of a bunch of different sizes of nails.  You drop rocks down inside and it makes the most beautiful sounds.  The kids were tossing handfuls in, but my favorite sounds were the ones from a single pebble making its way down the nail-ladder inside the stones.  So beautiful, I wishd I had brought my recorder.
Finally, this is the very first tree S&C have ever climbed

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