
chicken pie shop

We recently went to La Palma Chicken Pie Shop.  I have kind of accepted that I am going to be (most likely) leaving Orange County pretty soon.  I will graduate by June- yay!  But this place has become my home.  I'm having all kinds of mixed feelings about leaving.  One thing I know for sure is I better hurry up and check out all the weird and awesome stuff I've wanted to check out but haven't gotten around to yet.  Enter the La Palma Chicken Pie Shop, in a (what else?) dinky strip mall in Anaheim.  This place reminded me so much of the midwest but with a particularly Southern California character.
  The best part about the chicken pie shop is that you can get the following meal:
salad (passable green lettuce, ranch dressing)
soup (yummy, chicken)
chicken pot pie (cutely shaped, covered in gravy, nicely self contained, oddly soothing)
mashed potatoes (passable, potentially from a box)
parsley (didn't eat)
pie (banana cream, excellent)

...all for $6.75.  Yes that's right, $6.75.  And the kid's menu was even cheaper.  Score!!!  My inner tightwad was in heaven.  I could even take people out to dinner here and not cringe over the bill.  And I'm sure I will.

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