
Turd on the couch

This is one of those parenting situations that just needs to be shared.  In the mornings, I sometimes have S & C watch a TV show on netflix so I can take a shower in peace.  I feel a little guilty about TV-as-babysitter, but my life is so much better with an uninterrupted shower, so suck it, guilt.  The other morning though a little face peeks around the shower curtain and says "mama, there's poopoo on the couch!!"  WTF?  I jumped right out and went to investigate and sure enough there was a turd right there in the middle of the couch.  I was so confused.  I did not know what to do.  How does one react when a turd unexpectedly appears on one's couch where there was not previously a turd?  There are three creatures who could have left it there, one feline and two human.  Inky is pretty good about using the litterbox though.  I decided to act like it was no big deal and hope for the best.  So I said "huh, I see that."  I got some toilet paper and scooped it up, took the cover off the couch, and got back in the shower.  I'm pretty sure Charlie was the culprit, because she was really really quiet while Stella was pointing with a simultaneously horrified and delighted expression on her face.  I think Charlie just didn't want to miss an especially good part of Go Diego Go, but then she felt way guiltier and more embarrassed about the turd than she expected.  The good news is that it hasn't happened again.     

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