

 Stella and Charlie got their first haircuts last month.  They started to complain about how the other kids at school couldn't tell them apart.  They get mixed up pretty often, by both kids and grownups, and kids will just run up to them and say "which one are you???"  It started to piss them off, understandably I think.  So the idea of haircuts came up, and they both said they'd like to have different haircuts.  So I took them to a spacial kid haircut place where they have like TVs and get to watch movies while they get their haircut (very smart, haircutting place).  They had a book of pictures of haircuts and we looked through the book together and they each picked the haircut they wanted- Stella wanted a pageboy and Charlotte wanted to keep hers a little longer.

Stella checking herself out in the bathroom mirror afterward.  She looked at herself for a good five minutes, turning her head back and forth, then she got a giant smile on her face. 

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