
Recent works by Stella & Charlotte

Abstract, by Stella

Happy monster with big ears, by Charlotte

Bridge, by Charlotte

Kite, by Charlotte (this use to have a string made of yarn on it, but Hucky has since chewed it off)

Mama, Stella, and Charlie, by Stella  (the googly eyes are a hallmark of Stella's current art).


People from the garden

The Jerome Community garden has become one of our very favorite places.  We go every other week or so.  At first, S&C could barely be pulled away from the playground next door, and now they love turning compost, planting seeds, feeding the worms, and finding rolly-polies.  Yesterday I took my camera and Lara & I took some shots of people from the garden (there are a lot more people who go/work int he garden, I will keep taking pictures and adding them over time).









Charlotte's activity

Charlotte did something so rad last week.  We were at Meemaw and Pawpaw's house for Thanksgiving.  When we're there it is like the absolute lap of luxury for me because instead of climbing into my bed in the morning S&C get up and go get into bed with Meemaw and Pawpaw, and I get to sleep in, which is awesome.  So one morning I got up and went downstairs and Charlotte said Mama come here!  I have an activity for us!  On the card table she had prepped three spots (for her, me, and meemaw) to sit and do an "activity."  This is something they do at school every day, and I thought it was like the cutest thing ever that Charlie had put this together, using markers and various other crafty things-at-hand, including paper from the Taboo game we had played the night before.

The setup...

Charlotte's creation


and Meemaw's.