
Bedtime ritual

Here is our ritual:

We eat dinner
They sit on potty (I run bath water)
They take a bath
I put their bunny towels on them
I sit on floor
They sit in my lap one at a time for hugs
We put on their diapers and pajamas (one at a time)
We brush their teeth
I comb their hair
They pick out a story (one each)
We snuggle and read stories on my bed
They get a drink of water
We decide who I will sing to first (I sing to one first and snuggle the other first)
They get an animal (I turn on star turtle)
They get in bed
I put their blankets on them
I sing to one first
Then sing to the other
I turn off the turtle
I climb in bed and snuggle the one I sang to second
I give her tickle rubs on her back and her belly
I say “you are such a beautiful person”
I say “I love you more than all the _______ (sea creatures, stars, apples, etc.)”
She says “I love you more than all the _______ (lions, jellyfish, macaroni, etc.)”
I give her a hug and a kiss and a snuggle
I climb out of bed
I climb in bed with the other kid I haven’t snuggled yet
I give her tickle rubs on her back and on her belly
I say “you are such a beautiful person”
I say “I love you more than all the _______ (planets, oceans, noodles, etc.)”
She says “I love you more than all the _______ (strawberries, jellyfish, grass, etc.)”
I give her a hug and a kiss and a snuggle
I climb out of bed
I leave the room

1 comment:

  1. So it isn't as though I don't get to do this with my own kids, but reading this brought tears to my eyes. Maybe I'm just hormonal. I miss these cousins that I have never ever met and am jealous of those who get to spend time with what I am sure are two amazing girls. I look at their Hammond faces and am sad again that our grandma didn't live long enough to solidify our family more. I love reading your blog and it makes me smile to see little faces that remind me so much of my own kids.
