
The Wulf

 I went to see a concert at a really interesting space for experimental music called the Wulf a little while back.  My friend Bryan and his girlfriend Natacha played a concert there.

 The flute hooked up to the laptop...

The trio...

I loved this sign, for a zine but it seemed emblematic of the show space in general.


Bedtime ritual

Here is our ritual:

We eat dinner
They sit on potty (I run bath water)
They take a bath
I put their bunny towels on them
I sit on floor
They sit in my lap one at a time for hugs
We put on their diapers and pajamas (one at a time)
We brush their teeth
I comb their hair
They pick out a story (one each)
We snuggle and read stories on my bed
They get a drink of water
We decide who I will sing to first (I sing to one first and snuggle the other first)
They get an animal (I turn on star turtle)
They get in bed
I put their blankets on them
I sing to one first
Then sing to the other
I turn off the turtle
I climb in bed and snuggle the one I sang to second
I give her tickle rubs on her back and her belly
I say “you are such a beautiful person”
I say “I love you more than all the _______ (sea creatures, stars, apples, etc.)”
She says “I love you more than all the _______ (lions, jellyfish, macaroni, etc.)”
I give her a hug and a kiss and a snuggle
I climb out of bed
I climb in bed with the other kid I haven’t snuggled yet
I give her tickle rubs on her back and on her belly
I say “you are such a beautiful person”
I say “I love you more than all the _______ (planets, oceans, noodles, etc.)”
She says “I love you more than all the _______ (strawberries, jellyfish, grass, etc.)”
I give her a hug and a kiss and a snuggle
I climb out of bed
I leave the room


Plastic Bag as Humble Present

That is the name of a book by Joshua Blackwell, an artist who makes these amazing pieces by stitching onto plastic bags.  I read about him on Simone LeBlanc's website.  I love the way he takes something really flimsy, disposable, and generally trashy (in some parts of the world they joke that plastic shopping bags are the "national bird") and turns it into a work of art.