
Saturday adventures

Yesterday we had a day full of adventures.  One of my favorite things to do is set out with some kind of loose plan and then see what we find.  When I visit a place, I love to spend time wandering around.  With the kids I usually need to have more of a plan, but it still feels good to stay open and visit new places and see what we find.

We started at the Jerome Community Garden, an awesome garden in Santa Ana that is run by the Grain Project, which my friend Lara is one of the founders of.  It was my first time at the garden and I loved it- we helped to plant beans and water all kinds of vegetables.  There were all ages of people helping and just hanging out, enjoying the morning in the garden, and we had so much fun.

Next to the garden they were setting up for a bi-annual fair in the park.  We played on the playground, then wandered around to watch them set up rides and games.  The carnie who runs the ferris wheel told us they have used him and his ferris wheel in a lot of Hollywood movies.  The food stands all smelled delicious, there were tortas and my favorite, bacon-wrapped hot dogs.  We got a huge horchata to share.

Then we met Lara and her awesome family at the UCI arboretum.  I have never been there before, and it is a really nice little arboretum.  There were all kinds of succulents, and a rubber tree that made a perfect place for Stella and Charlotte to hide.

It was a silly and lovely day, and we were all exhausted at the end of it.

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